Category Archives: Raspberry Pi

I just had to have the Quad-Core Raspberry Pi

As soon as I heard about the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B+ I had to have one. I went to and got on the waiting list. Those things sold out fast. I received an email about a week later saying they were in stock. I immediately went online and placed my order. I could only get one. “One per customer.”, the sign said. Chris was going to have to wait.

In preparation for the new Pi I downloaded the latest raspbian and installed it to an SD card. Once I put the card into the new Pi I booted it up. Wow, was that ever fast! I expanded the disk space and set up the monitor settings. I kept it set to boot to console instead of X-window. Some of the stuff I do doesn’t need a desktop. I am happy with that.

I can set a VNC server and get into it with my iPad, or Mac.

Then I decided to share. I am hosting a Pi Day Introduction to Raspberry Pi at the Upper Lake Library on Pi Day. I have put out a few posters and the main library in Lakeport has put out a press release. I hope to get interested parties showing up.

I registered the Pi Day with and got contacted by Matt Richardson. He said he’s going to send (I have already received) stickers for the event. It feels so official. I hope to be able to start a user group out of this, or at least a programming group. That remains to be seen.

As for the stickers that Matt Richardson sent, I can’t wait to share them with the other Raspberry Pi enthusiasts. Thank you Matt!

Third Raspberry Pi.

For Christmas Emily and Chris gave me a third Raspberry Pi.  This one is a B+.  It was made in the UK.  The other two are both regular B models.  The first one was made in China.  The second one was made in the UK.

I have to get another SD card for the B+.  Then I’ll get it up and running.  I guess I should start a Raspberry Pi group in the area.